Aesthetic and Wellness Medicine
It is the most effective medical therapy of “cellulite” and localized fat accumulation.
It is carried out throughsubcutaneous infiltration of drugs with lipolytic, phlebotonic and capillaroprotective activity.
80 €
Infiltration Of Phosphatidylcholine
Phosphatidylcholine is the most potent lipolytic agent available in medicine.
It is infiltrated with painless fine needles into the thickness of the fat mass of theabdomen, hips, thighs and knees to reduce its volume.
It enables harmonious slimming and body reshaping.
120 €
Facial biostimulation
140 €
Hyaluronic acid implant
Hyaluronic acid is a biocompatible substance that is injected into the thickness of facial wrinkles to eliminate them, or on the lips to redefine their contour and/or increase their volume.
300 €
PDO wires (price per wire)
This aesthetic treatment prevents skin laxity and gives tone to the face and body.
It consists of thesubcutaneous insertion, into the thickness of the dermis, of PDO (Polidyoxanone) threads by means of very thin needles, until a lattice is formed.
The immediate effect of these threads is partial skin relaxation.
In addition, the threads stimulate the production of collagen type 1.
The result you get is firmer, more toned skin .
The areas of the body that can most benefit from this treatment are the face, neck,abdomen, arms,inner thighs, and buttocks. These threads completely reabsorb within 8 to 10 months.
The effect of this treatment is therefore long-lasting, minimally invasive and therefore almost painless, and does not limit the person undergoing it in any way in normal daily activities.
30 €
TT Tightening Thread
The innovative non-surgical lifting treatment for face and body.
This aesthetic treatment prevents skin laxity and gives tone to the face and body .
It consists of the subcutaneous insertion, into the thickness of the dermis, of PDO (Polidyoxanone) threads by means of very thin needles, until a lattice is formed.
The immediate mechanical mechanism of these threads is partial skin relaxation.
In addition, the threads stimulate the production of collagen type 1.
The result that is achieved is firmer, more toned skin.
The areas of the body that can most benefit from this treatment are the face, neck, abdomen, arms, inner thighs, and buttocks .
These threads completely reabsorb within 8 to 10 months.
The effect of this treatment is therefore long-lasting, minimally invasive and therefore almost painless, and in no way limits those who undergo it in their normal daily activities.
TT is performed by our medical expert in aesthetic medicine Dr. Ceccarello .