Your corner
of rest

Our 91 rooms, spacious and elegant, offer the utmost comfort for your relaxation. Each room is unique, characterized by carefully curated details that express personality and style. You will find a variety of furnishings, fabrics, and colors, with distinctive elements such as wrought iron headboards, soft pastel tones, and artistic trompe-l’œil on the walls. Every detail has been designed to ensure you an unforgettable stay.

Standard Room

Le nostre camere Standard presentano pavimenti in legno, terrazzi privati e una gamma di comfort moderni. Le camere rinnovate possono accogliere fino a quattro persone, ideali per famiglie. 

double or two split beds

approx. 15 sq. m.

side (parking/reverse)

Comfort Room

Le nostre Camere Comfort combinano design moderno e comfort, con ampi spazi e pavimenti in legno. Dotate di terrazzi privati, offrono tutte le comodità per un soggiorno rilassante.

double or 2 singles possibility of third/fourth extra bed

approx. 21 sq. m.

street front

Superior Room

Superior rooms offer spacious and bright spaces, ideal for a comfortable stay.
Renovated rooms feature modern and refined design, while classic rooms offer a touch of traditional elegance.

double or 2 singles possibility of third/fourth extra bed

approx. 21 sq. m.

street front, parking lot, swimming pool


The Suites at Hotel Quisisana offer luxury and sophistication, featuring 18th-century Venetian-style furnishings and rich fabrics. Each suite, dedicated to a Roman goddess, ensures modern comfort in a unique and charming environment.

double or two split beds

approx. 34 sq. m.

Street front


The Single Room combines comfort and functionality in a cozy environment, ideal for harmonizing rest with thermal treatments.


approx. 13 sq. m.

street front/side (parking lot/back)

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Quisisana Gourmet

Gustosa prima colazione a buffet servita dalle ore 7.30 alle ore 10.30 con ricca scelta tra brioches appena sfornate, succhi di frutta, marmellate, uova in diverse preparazioni, formaggi, affettati, cereali, yogurt, marmellate dietetiche e frutta fresca di stagione.

Ricchi menù con scelta a variazione giornaliera, inoltre, buffet di verdure e insalate sia a pranzo che a cena, buffet di dessert e frutta di stagione.

Ricercate proposte gastronomiche nei periodi delle Festività

Quisisana Comfort

Garage coperto (gratuito) e parcheggio interno all’hotel
• Hall e spazi comuni ampi e rilassanti
• Angolo tisaneria
• Connessione Wi-Fi
Bar fornito e specializzato nella creazione di cocktails
• Camere con riscaldamento/aria condizionata regolabili autonomamente
Help-desk per prenotazioni di escursioni, biglietteria eventi (es. Arena di Verona)
Biciclette dell’hotel a disposizione
• L’Hotel offre due serate speciali nell’arco della settimana così articolate:
– il Giovedì serata danzante nella Hall del Bar;
– il Sabato serata Piano Bar

Quisisana Relax

Il Centro Beauty & Wellness è aperto tutti i giorni dalle ore 07:30 alle ore 19:30 e dispone di:

  • 2 piscine termali comunicanti a 34°/35°:
    • Una interna dotata di idromassaggi.
    • Una esterna con idromassaggi, cascate cervicali e percorso giapponese, fiume lento, docce subacquee effervescenti, lame d’acqua, lettini idromassaggio.
  • Grotta ai vapori termali, Frigidarium, Sauna, Idroparadiso, Percorso Kneipp.
  • Zona relax e detox “Salis” con sale dell’Himalaya.
  • Area relax interna a bordo piscina con sdraio e morbidi cuscini.
  • Snowroom.
  • Area relax esterna con sdraio ed ombrelloni nella bella stagione.
  • Area solarium esterna “Giardino Giapponese”.
  • Possibilità di usufruire dei trattamenti Beauty&Wellness anche la domenica.
  • Acquagym di gruppo (escluso domenica).
  • Palestra attrezzata.
  • Accappatoio e telo piscina a disposizione per il soggiorno
    (escluso per soggiorni prenotati tramite enti, agenzie, portali internet, ove non previsto).

Su richiesta:

  • Accappatoio supplementare: €13,00
  • Telo piscina: €4,00

Quisisana Gourmet

Tasty breakfast buffet served from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., featuring a rich selection of freshly baked croissants, fruit juices, jams, eggs prepared in various ways, cheeses, cold cuts, cereals, yogurt, diet jams, and fresh seasonal fruits.

Enjoy rich menus with daily changing options, along with a vegetable and salad buffet for both lunch and dinner. We also offer a dessert buffet and seasonal fruits.

Indulge in our sought-after gastronomic offerings during the holiday season.

Quisisana Comfort

Covered garage (free of charge) and parking inside the hotel
– Hall and
spacious and relaxing common areas
– Corner
tea room
– Connection

Fully stockedbar specializing in the creation of cocktails
– Rooms with
individually controlledheating/air conditioning

Help-desk for excursion reservations, event ticketing (e.g., Arena di Verona)

Hotelbicycles available
– The hotel offers two special evenings within the week as follows:
– on Thursdays
Dance night in the Bar Hall;
– on Saturday evening Piano Bar

Quisisana Relax

The Beauty & Wellness Center is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and features:

  • Two interconnected thermal pools at 34°C/35°C:
    • An indoor pool equipped with whirlpools.
    • An outdoor pool featuring whirlpools, cervical waterfalls, a Japanese pathway, a lazy river, effervescent underwater showers, water blades, and whirlpool loungers.
  • Thermal steam grotto, Frigidarium, Sauna, Hydroparadise, and Kneipp Path.
  • “Salis” relaxation and detox area with Himalayan salt.
  • Indoor relaxation area by the pool with deck chairs and soft cushions.
  • Snowroom.
  • Outdoor relaxation area with deck chairs and umbrellas during the warm season.
  • “Japanese Garden” outdoor sunbathing area.
  • Beauty & Wellness treatments available on Sundays as well.
  • Group water aerobics (excluding Sundays).
  • Fully equipped gym.
  • Bathrobes and pool towels are provided for your stay
    (excluding stays booked through institutions, agencies, or online portals where not included).

Upon request:

  • Additional bathrobe: €13.00
  • Pool towel: €4.00