Health Center

mud therapy

Health Center

A name that evokes a promise of health and well-being

To whom it is addressed

Mud therapy is indicated to treat all cases of joint diseases:

Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis of the hand, foot, knee, hip and spine)


Gout (a form of acute arthritis due to an excessive concentration of uric acid in the blood)

– Orthopedic conditions such as dislocations, sprains, or strains

– For those who wish to assist in the treatment of eliminating cellulite, overweight and blemishes or skin problems

The Euganean Thermal Basin is the most important and largest thermal oasis in Europe for mud therapy.
Known for the therapeutic abilities ofthermal water and mud since Roman times, many traces of which remain, it is a place of health and recovery of mental and physical well-being.

Our Health Center pursues the goal of activating a program of preventive, curative and rehabilitative medicine by stimulating the construction and reconstruction ofindividual psychophysical balance.

Solution, however, should not be understood in the illusory sense of “rejuvenation,” since every age has its “appearance,” but as restoration of physiological functions disturbed by emotional stresses, life conduct, ecological pollutions, etc.

Those who work at the Quisisana Health Center know that prevention is the only means to ward off disease and the complications of old age, and that beauty, an expression of health, comes from rules of psychological, dietary and physical hygiene.

In this preventive project dedicated to wellness, appropriate and rigorously documented corrective thermal, medical, and cosmetic methods are included.


The thermal mud characteristic of the Euganean basin consists of a solid component (clay and humus), a liquid component (hyperthermal saline-bromine-iodine water) and an organic component (microflora consisting of colonies of algae, protozoa, bacteria and the products of their degradation).

Before thermal mud can be used for therapeutic purposes, it must undergo a long maturation process inside special tanks.
During this process, in contact with thermal water and the sun, the mud acquires those biological and physical-chemical characteristics that transform it into a real drug, patented at the European level, and used in the therapy ofarthrosis and rheumatic diseases.

Mud therapy is a natural method of treatment that retains all its effectiveness in the prevention and treatment ofosteoarthritis and various forms of rheumatic pain.
The application of thermal mud produces an anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and decontracting action on the muscles; this makes it indicated in the treatment of neck and lower back pain, hip and knee osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, fibrositis, trauma or fracture outcomes, and as a prevention ofosteoporosis.

Because of its action on microcirculation, it can also be used in the treatment ofobesity, cellulite, and skin aging.
The thermal mud used by the Quisisana Health Center is FANGO MATURO DOC certified by the University of Padua.

The action of thermal steam is an important complement to mud therapy in the treatment of arthrosis, and it is also indicated to combat certain metabolic diseases (hyperuricemia in particular), obesity, rhinosinusitis, and chronic bronchitis.

Our thermal mud has been granted a European patent for its active anti-inflammatory ingredient (Patent No.1571203), a very important event that seals the declared therapeutic efficacy of the thermal treatment protocol, which is equal to that of commercially available drugs used as references in studies.

The course of mud therapy treatment begins with a medical examination for admission to therapy.
A cycle should include at least 6 to 12 sessions.

– The mud is applied, by trained personnel, to the patient’s body following the thermal physician’s instructions regarding site, duration, and temperature.

– At the end of the mud bath, the patient takes a thermal shower and is subsequently immersed in the ozonated thermal bath tub.

– Finally, after a rest period during which the “sweat reaction” takes place, the patient undergoes a general massage that amplifies the benefits of mud therapy.


Health Center


For thousands of years, fangobalneotherapy has been considered a useful method in the treatment of many pathological situations characterized by painful arthrosy-rheumatic symptoms, osteoporosis, and many joint-related diseases.


Nebulized thermal water has antiphlogistic and mucolytic-fluidifying action on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

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